Energy Solve Int

Metro Knitting & Dyeing Mill Ltd.

Metro Knitting & Dyeing Mill Ltd. is a high-tech garments facility. The facility is located in Charabag, Ashulia, Savar and funded by the Metro group that focus on export quality composite . The group utilizes the most sophisticated technology within their plants and all machinery is imported directly from countries such as Germany, USA, Sweden, Japan, Taiwan & Turkey. Metro also employees the most skilled personnel to manage their operations within Bangladesh. EnergySolve International was elected as their leading MEP consultant and tasked with designing both the electrical and mechanical systems.

Inhouse Power Generation and Back-up Grid Power supply

Public Addressing System (PA)

Low Voltage Distribution

Lighting System

Fire Detection System

Data System (Data, Telephone & Wi-Fi

Closed Circuit Camera System (CCTV)

Air Conditioning and Mechanical Ventilation Systems

Fire Fighting System

Steam Generation and Distribution System

Compressed Air System

Cold and Process Water Distribution System

Cold and Process Water Distribution System

Water Treatment System

Sewer and Waste Water Drainage

Sewer Treatment Plant

Flushing Water System

Irrigation System

Storm Water Drainage System