Energy Solve Int

Dekko Garments Ltd.

Dekko Garments is a high-tech garments facility with cutting, sewing and finishing processes. The facility spans over an area of 400,000 Sqft and is located in Gasipur and is funded by the Dekko Group. As a longstanding group of companies, Dekko is responsible for numerous products in different market sectors within and outside Bangladesh. Energysolve Engineering was the MEP consultant and following building engineering systems were designed to meet local and international standards and to acquire LEED Gold certification in the facility.

Back-up generators

Electrical grid power supply and distribution

Lightning protection system

Lighting system

Fire detection system

Data system (data, telephone & Wi-Fi)

CCTV system

Air conditioning and mechanical ventilation systems

Fire fighting system

Steam generation and distribution system

Compressed air system

Cold and process water Distribution system

Cold and process water Distribution system

Water treatment system

Sewer and waste water drainage

Sewer treatment plant

Flushing water system

Irrigation system

Storm water drainage system