Energy Solve Int

Donor Funded Projects

Detailed Energy Audits for Industrial Sector, Sri Lanka

Client - USAID

Detailed energy audits with the supervision of Chemonics International Inc, for the industrial sector, to develop an EE program for the industries through a collaboration with the Industrial Development Board (IDB) of Sri Lanka.  

Client - ADB, SREDA, Bangladesh

Establishment of Building Energy Efficiency & Environment Rating (BEEER) system, development of an online certification mechanism, propose financing methods and benchmarking of typical buildings.

Client - World Bank, SLSEA, Sri Lanka

Study the Energy Saving and GHG reduction potential for next 10 years in buildings of all 3 sectors and to evaluate low interest loan scheme from the World Bank. ESI partnered with EDS of India

Public Utilities Commission, Sri Lanka

Develop guideline for Street and public area lighting standards for Sri Lanka which including design and maintenance criteria, controls and organization structure.  

Client - Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB)

Develop energy sector profile of Sri Lanka for AIIB internal use for investment opportunities:  

Client - ADB, Ceylon Electricity Board

Develop a pilot Load Research Program to introduce LRP for DSM planning and tariff setting. ESI partnered with Econoler. 

Client - IDA of World Bank

A study identified the potential for EE and RE in the city of Colombo to meet the green growth program initiated by the Government on the advice of the world bank.  

Client - IDA of the World Bank

Develop an institutional structure for DSM project implementation incorporating regulatory, utility and consumer requirements including.

Client - ADB SLSEA, Sri Lanka

Pilot test efficient lighting technologies in the residential sector and to prepare application guidelines for a large scale sustainable residential energy efficiency program. ESI partnered with IIEC.

Client - ADB

Establishment of ESCOs within CEB and LECO who could develop a cost-effective DSM program municipal street lighting. ESI partnered with SMEC. 

Client - IDA of the World Bank

Develop a DSM action plan which include an assessment of savings from all sectors with cost effective measures and an institutional structure with regulatory requirements. ESI partnered with EnergyConsult. 

Client - IDA of the World Bank

Monitoring and Evaluation of EVN’s Phase 2 DSM Programs, making recommendations for program refinement and design DSM program monitoring software. ESI partnered with IIEC 

Client - IDA of the World Bank

Capacity building of equipment manufacturers/ suppliers, technical service providers, financial service providers, project proponents & the MOI Project Management Unit in all aspects of EE project development.  ESI partnered with IIEC. 

Client - USAID SLSEA, Sri Lanka

Develop a loan guarantee fund to overcome barriers for commercial funding for energy efficiency/DSM projects and renewable energy projects. ESI partnered with Nexant SARI/E 

Client - USAID

Program to popularize DSM initiatives in the region which Included S&L programs, ESCO activities, efficient lighting, standards and labelling of end-use equipment. ESI partnered with Nexant SARI/E